$67.00 USD

Muscle Building Masterclass

Muscle Building is on the checklist of many of us, and for all the right reasons. But we often find ourselves stuck in modern traps that work all the way to deplete our bodies of their essential fluids while working towards gaining muscle.

In this workshop, I explain the Ayurvedic understanding of Muscle tissue and how to build it without creating hormonal imbalance or hurting your digestive system. Join me to understand various aspects of Muscle Building including why Winter is the best season to build muscles, how your diet can be optimized, practices you need to avoid, and much more.

Enroll now and learn to build your muscles in a healthier manner that is sustainable and effective while keeping your essential fluids intact.


Table of Contents

  • Workbook (22 Pages)
  • Module 1 - What is Muscle Building (13 min)
  • Module 2 - Dangers and Solutions (13 min)
  • Module 3 - Routines (19 min) 
  • Module 4 - Practices (22 min)
  • Module 5 - Everything Else (16 min)
  • Module 6 - Thank You! (5 min)


This workshop is for you, if you want to…

  • Learn the fundamentals of muscle building
  • Build your muscles in a healthy and sustainable manner
  • Enhance the strength of your body
  • Boost collagen production and support youthfulness
  • Develop an appropriate routine to support muscle growth


Your Takeaways From the Workshop

  • Anatomy and fundamentals of Muscle tissue
  • Dangers of modern-day Muscle building and absolute NOs
  • How is muscle building different for Men and Women
  • Holistic practices to build muscle the right way
  • Seasonal routine, supporting diet, herbs, and MORE


 PLUS...Exclusive Bonuses to Deepen your Ayurvedic Journey

  • Inner Climate™:  A condensed version of Nidhi's revolutionary method that redefines wellness.
  • Foundation Course on Doshas: An introductory course that lays the groundwork for understanding the Doshas




These masterclasses are for informational or educational purposes only, and do not substitute medical advice or consultations with professional practitioners. By buying this course, you are agreeing to and have read the  service agreement and waiver.